8 Golden Rules For Better Interface Design

8 Golden Rules For Better Interface Design

Designing a user interface that is intuitive, easy to use, and visually appealing can be challenging. However, by following a few fundamental principles, you can create an interface that users will find easy to navigate and understand. 

In this blog post, we'll be discussing the eight golden rules for better interface design.

Keep it simple

Keeping the design simple simplifies the interface by eliminating unnecessary elements and focusing on the essentials. This approach can contribute to a better overall interface design.

Simple interfaces are often easier to understand and use. By eliminating extraneous elements, users can more easily find what they are looking for and complete tasks quickly and efficiently. 

A simple design makes it clear what the user's options are and what is expected of them.

Simple interfaces require less cognitive effort from users, which can lead to a more pleasant user experience. With less information to process, users are less likely to become frustrated or overwhelmed, which can lead to a higher degree of satisfaction with the interface.

Of course, while keeping the design simple, it's also crucial to ensure that the interface is still functional and complete, meeting the user's needs and not being minimalistic to the point of losing the user. Striking a balance is crucial.

Be consistent

Consistent user interface design refers to using a consistent layout, color scheme, and style throughout the interface. Consistency helps users understand the structure of the interface and the relationships between different elements.

Additionally, consistency reduces users' effort to understand the interface. They don't have to spend time figuring out how different parts of the interface work because the interactions and visual design are familiar. This reduces cognitive load and makes the user experience more efficient.

As a designer working for an experienced design company, consistency helps establish a strong brand identity. When you use consistent visual elements and interactions throughout the interface, the brand can be easily recognized. Users will develop a sense of trust toward the product/ service or brand.

Make it visually appealing

A visually appealing interface refers to using a clean and modern design that is easy on the eyes and uses high-quality graphics, images, and typography to enhance the overall look and feel of the interface. 

A major benefit of a visually appealing interface is that it easily engages users and encourages them to use the product or service. 

An interface that looks good can create a positive impression of the product or service and make users more likely to come back and use it again.

It can also help you establish an emotional connection with users. By using color, imagery, and other visual elements to evoke a certain feeling or atmosphere, the interface can create a more immersive and engaging experience for users.

It's important to note that visual appeal doesn't mean making the interface look flashy or over-designed but rather making it look polished and professional. The design should also be functional, pleasing to look at, and easy to use, understand and navigate.

Handling error

Every UX/UI design company wants a design that responds to and handles errors well. How the design responds to user input or actions outside the expected behavior can affect the interface design. Proper error handling can prevent users from getting stuck and increase their overall satisfaction with the interface.

It can also reduce user frustration by clarifying what went wrong and how to fix it. This can lead to a more pleasant user experience and less likelihood of users giving up on the interface or product. Error handling can also play an important role in security by preventing malicious or unintentional actions from causing damage to the system or compromising security.

It's important to consider the type of error message that you are providing. They should be clear and helpful and avoid technical language. Also, provide alternative methods of input or actions when possible. The error message should also be delivered in a polite and non-blaming tone.

Provide feedback

Feedbacks are an essential part of any interface design. Providing feedback helps users understand the result of their actions. For example, when a button is clicked, a visual cue such as a highlight or animation can confirm that the action has been registered.

Feedback can give users a sense of control over their actions. By providing feedback on the results of their actions, users can understand the effects of their actions and make more informed decisions. Additionally, feedback can help users avoid errors by assisting them in understanding what went wrong and how to fix it. This can lead to a more efficient and effective user experience.

It's also important to consider the timing and type of feedback provided. Feedback should be provided immediately after an action is taken to be most effective. Also, the feedback should be clear and easy to understand.

Make it accessible

To achieve a better interface design, a designer must consider accessibility. This means making designs that can be easily used by all users, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. An accessible interface can be used by a wider range of users, which increases usability for everyone.

An accessible interface can improve the user experience for people with disabilities by making it easier for them to access and use the product or service. For example, providing alternative text for images can make the interface more usable for people who are blind or have low vision.

An accessible interface can also improve search engine optimization (SEO) by making it easier for search engines to crawl and index the content, reaching more users and potentially increasing traffic.

Keep it up to date  

Regularly updating an interface ensures that the interface is compatible with the latest technologies, browsers, and devices. It also helps in addressing any bugs or usability issues that are discovered. Keeping the interface up to date can also improve the security of the product or service.

As new security vulnerabilities are discovered, updates can be released to address them, reducing the risk of data breaches or other security issues. Additionally, keeping the interface up to date can ensure that it complies with relevant regulations or standards. It also helps improve performance by addressing bugs or other issues slowing the interface down.

It's important to note that keeping the interface up to date doesn't mean adding unnecessary new features or changing the layout or design. A balance must be struck between adding new features and maintaining the stability of the interface and its existing functionality.

Be open to suggestions

Gathering user feedback and suggestions about the interface and using that feedback to guide future updates and improvements can lead to a better design. Being open to suggestions allows designers and developers to understand how users interact with the interface and their needs. This user-centered approach can lead to a more intuitive and user-friendly interface.

User feedback can help identify pain points or areas of the interface that are causing confusion or frustration. By addressing these issues, designers and developers can improve the overall user experience. Feedback from users can provide insight into new opportunities for the product or service. It may identify new features or functionalities that users want or need that are yet to be considered.


UX/UI Design Company encourages designers to create a user-centered interface that balances functionality, aesthetics, and user feedback. Following these eight golden rules will lead you to create interfaces that are user-friendly, visually appealing, accessible, efficient, and effective. However, know that design is an iterative process and these rules should be continuously evaluated and improved.

agencies365 1 year ago
Your Article is Very Informative: Elevate your interface design skills with these eight invaluable golden rules, expertly outlined in this resourceful post. Discover the principles that pave the way for intuitive, user-centric designs that captivate and engage. From clarity and consistency to accessibility and visual hierarchy, each rule is meticulously explained, providing actionable insights for designers of all levels. Whether you're crafting websites, apps, or digital platforms, this article offers a comprehensive guide to crafting interfaces that not only delight users but also stand the test of time. Dive into this essential read and transform your design approach today. Visit Our site: https://agencies365.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/agencies365/

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