6 Tips for a Smarter WordPress Blog

6 Tips for a Smarter WordPress Blog

WordPress is huge and every second person you meet calls himself a blogger! Is not it? WordPress has given a platform to great number of people to write what they want. Some of them are making decent money and many have taken blogging to make their living. Hundreds of people make new blogs on a daily basis on WordPress in order to give wings to their dreams regarding writing and making money through it. Having said that, here is a thing to remember and that is not everyone on WP is making money and has a considerable traffic. 

Using WordPress or having a WordPress blog does not guarantee the sure success to you. This is the reason that many bloggers write for some months and then just quit blogging as they do not gain from it as they expected. That is why so many blogs on the internet today are redundant and are not even deleted. Many measures have to be taken and, many tips are to be followed in order to make your blogging smarter and successful. After many years of writing and learning, we have learned some valuable tips for smart blogging that we would be sharing with the help of this post. Read on!

Apply Best Themes

Writers have an opinion that when at they write in their content is the only thing that matters as far as blogging is concerned. They also have a notion that every other thing is not valuable and this is the biggest mistake they make. Themes on blogs or sites are one of the most ignored aspects and writers forget that they hold an important share to bring traffic to your blog. 

There are themes which are present on WordPress but they are so basic that they are unable to make an impact. It is advised to buy themes from the providers and do use them in your WordPress blog. They give a message about what your blog is about and also acts as a factor to attract readers. Without proper themes, either your blog gives the wrong signal or it does not give any signal at all.

Have A Space For Feedback

Create a separate space for your visitors for their feedback. It is important to know that what is going wrong in your blog and feedback is the best method to know it. It can also tell you what are the desires of your readers and what more they would like to read. This can set a stage for type of content you have to put in your blog and what you have to leave.

Write on Daily Basis

People quit writing or write after long gaps when they get bored or when their enthusiasm takes a backseat. It has also been seen that after witnessing success repeatedly, bloggers become complacent and update new articles very late. This is another reason why blog's success decrease and eventually they lose traffic. Writing on daily basis is very important as by only writing continuously you will be able to hold an audience and will get to know what the actual topics that they like are. You will also understand the tricks to hook your readers in a clearer manner. 

People are coming to your blog when they find something of their choice, this push them to visit again and see what is the other thing that you are uploaded that might be of their interest. If at this crucial moment they will find nothing new on your blog, they will move to another one within a blink of an eye and might never return. Remember, the internet is full of myriad blogs and there are no boundaries for readers to give attention to your blog.

Do Not Underestimate Plug-Ins

Plugins are very important and you should have a thorough knowledge about them. It is due to plugins that you are able to put features on your blog. If the plug-ins is not used correctly, your blog would lag behind. The very first thing to keep in mind that whatever plug-ins you are putting in use for your WordPress site, it should have great speed. 

Low speed means no one will visit your blog no matter how great your content is or how attractive your blog appears. Also, people do not update plug-ins and this becomes a major reason why hackers easily hack your blog. When plug-ins is not updated they make the security weaker. One should always updated plugins or should use auto update plug-ins while you are successfully running your WordPress blog.

Collaborate With Other Bloggers

There is no doubt that the competition is fierce in an online arena for blogging but even after this, you can join hands with other bloggers. Bloggers who have substantial traffic can add the link of some of your write-ups in order to provide visitors for your blog and you can do this thing for them. 

The visitors will increase for both the blogs and the result will be mutual benefit. This really helps in increasing traffic. You can do this with two or more bloggers at the same time. There is also a word of caution and that is that one should not overdo the collaborating process as it may have the reverse effect for your blog. Also, do not collaborate with bloggers who write on the same subject as you do.

Search Engine Optimization 

This is an indispensable step that you have to take care of while blogging. Your SEO settings should be up to date in all manners. From keywords to word length, each and everything should be kept in mind. Many bloggers stuff their blogging site with keywords which in turn makes their site looks cluttered. In order to avoid this, go for professional help for SEO as they use best keyword combination and maintain the clarity of your blog.

Author Bio: Maggie Sawyer is a Sr. Web Developer at MarkupHQ Ltd., a leading high quality of markup conversion service provider company with a global reach. She is an expert of wordPress customization services and able to convert PSD to WordPress service with guaranteed 100% client satisfaction. She enjoys writing useful tutorials specially related to the world of wordPress.

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